The Splendor of Resurrection
Friends in Christ, we read today this meeting of Jesus with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. It is interesting, that they did not at first recognize Jesus, as they walked and talked. Also, we read yesterday, that when Mary Magdelene first saw Our Lord, she did not recognize him, she thought he might be the gardener of that place. What gives?
Well, when we are resurrected in our bodies on the Last day, we WILL rise in our own bodies, this is true. But they will be renewed, beautiful, even youthful bodies. In Ludwig Ott’s book on Catholic Dogma, he says ‘The bodies of the just will be transfigured to the pattern of the risen Christ.’ Of course this is from St. Paul, who says that our glorified bodies will be conformed to Christ’s body. He also says that we will reach the ‘measure of the age of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13)
Now Our Lord resurrected at about age 33, which many think is the ideal physical age. Thomas Aquinas says that our physical age is not at it’s best when we are children, and it is weakening when we are old; consequently, he thinks we will be resurrected at that ideal physical age of 33. St. Augustine also thought we will rise at that youthful age, following the model, Jesus.
Most important to remember however, is that this will be a beautiful renewal of ourself, the beauty of the soul shining through. And this is perhaps why those disciples on the road could not quite realize that this striking, youthful man who spoke to them on the way – was Jesus. So different from a crucified man – he was renewed and without blemish.
But here, they experienced someone – whose splendor shone through his person – In fact, after the experience, they marveled, saying to each other: ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way?’
The radiance of the glorified Lord Jesus – this is a sign of our own destiny as well: beautiful and youthfully renewed – if we follow him.