Stop telling Lies
Friends in Christ, yesterday in the first reading, St. John told us ‘if anyone says, “I love God but hates his brother, he is a LIAR; today, he says, if we do not accept what God has said about his Son, we make him a LIAR.
The Holy scriptures speak loudly and clearly about the sin of lying, yet it is one of the most common sins confessed. Studies show that the average person lies several times a day. Some will say, ‘Oh, it was only a white lie.’ A lie is a deception and an affront to God.
For children, it is normal to go through a phase of telling untruths; they may tell stories that are only the product of their imagination. A child should not be punished severely for this but rather taught the right thing.
At a later age, a child may tell stories in order to put his parents to a test. This has to be dealt with appropriately. But the first real lie a child tells is because of fear, usually to escape punishment.
A child in our school once said, ‘Father, I always tell the truth unless I’m going to get in trouble!’ Well – We laugh, but this is how adults act as well. We lie to avoid undesirable consequences. We lie so that our boss does not catch us, or so that we don’t look bad in front of peers.
It is a scandal to see in the news how easily a lie falls from the lips of even important people: professors, journalists, and senators.
Our foremost rule is, which the world does not accept at all, is: ‘You may not do evil as a means of achieving good.’ We may not do a bad thing like tell a lie, in order to obtain a good thing such as avoiding embarrassment. The ends don’t justify the means.
It is certainly permissible to avoid speaking about something, or make an evasive answer if it can help someone – but not a lie.
People with low self-esteem are more prone to lying; in fear, they wish to protect their self-image.
Pride also produces lies; the person wishes to show off, and exaggerate accomplishments to impress others.
The more intelligent person lies with delicate subtlety; he shrewdly mixes exaggerations with truth and this is more devilish.
The jocose lie is a lie told in order to be funny. Often these are not lies at all, because they do not really deceive. But they can easily result in sins of mockery or cruelty.
Liars are not taken seriously or respected; but if we are honest, our words will be received with respect.